Friday, March 18, 2011

Italy -- America Adores You

Well because she is so fantastic, Rizzoli International asked graphic designer, typographer, lover of Italy and recipient of greatest female designer award on the Marissima blog -- Louise Fili -- to design the covers for Romanzi d'Italia, a series of ten amazing novels in honor of Italy's 150th anniversary! I have only read excerpts from 3 novels in my Italian Literature course-- but really, they should be read by all! Here they are:

 Le ultime lettere di Iacopo Ortis by Ugo Foscolo (with a preface by Paolo Mieli), Le mie prigioni by Silvio Pellico (Luciano Canfora), I promessi Sposi by Alessandro Manzoni (Andrea Riccardi), Le confessioni d'un italiano Ippolito Nievo (Sergio Romano), I Malavoglia by Giovanni Verga (Gustavo Zagrebelsky), Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi (Giovanni Belardelli), Cuore by Edmondo De Amicis (Pierluigi Battista), Il piacere by Gabriele D'Annunzio (Angelo Panebianco), I VicerĂ© by Federico De Roberto (Giovanni Sabbatucci) and Piccolo Mondo Antico by Antonio Fogazzaro (Ernesto Galli Della Loggia). Each volume is sold for 12 Euros.

Check out the interview in Italian! **Sorry English speaking people!**

Ps. Worthy post about the beloved Ms. Fili -- soon to come!

A presto,

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